How to Achieve the Best Results With Mulch Blowing Service

Blown-in mulch is a painless and cost-effective way to achieve beautiful landscape mulch results in a matter of hours. By having mulch professionally blown in, you can save yourself the hassle of hours or days spent pushing a heavy wheelbarrow and spreading mulch by hand or the cost of hiring a crew to do it instead.

To achieve the best results from while using a professional mulch blowing company, there are a few steps you should take before the mulch installer arrive. Here are some important tips for ordering blown-in mulch.

Avoid Landscape Fabric

Landscape fabric is designed to block weed growth but it should only be used in limited circumstances. Landscape fabric works best when installed under gravel, not regular gardening beds. There are a few problems with landscape fabric. When placed under organic mulch, it can block the composting process. Mulch decomposes over time, adding natural compost and nutrients to your soil. If you have landscape fabric installed, the decomposed mulch will instead sit on the fabric rather than nourishing plant roots in the soil.

Remember that you are only temporarily blocking weeds with landscape fabric. As compost builds up on top of the weed barrier, weed seeds blown into the flowerbed will easily germinate. This leaves you with a flowerbed filled with weeds, a thick layer of compost on top of a weed barrier, and fewer nutrients introduced into your soil.

It’s not necessary to remove existing weed barriers in your landscape before ordering blown-in mulch but it’s a good idea if you can. Do not install any new barriers before the mulch is delivered.

Choose the Right Type of Mulch

Virtually all mulch types can be blown in. When ordering professional mulch delivery, make sure you know what you need. Light mulches are best for flat areas with good drainage while hardwood mulch works best for steep areas where the mulch needs to resist wind and rain. Organic mulch is always the best choice for landscaping and garden beds because it introduces nutrients to the soil as it decomposes but it’s not the best choice for areas of your property that remain damp. In these areas, choose inorganic mulch like gravel that won’t grow mold or retain too much water.

If you are concerned about longevity, it’s best to choose large chunk mulch like pine bark nuggets. This type of mulch takes the longest to decompose. Fine mulch like shredded bark decomposes the fastest.

You may also need a specialty type of mulch depending on your needs. Certified playground mulch is designed to improve playground safety. This type of mulch is made from hardwood fibers without treated wood, twigs, bark, or leaf debris and in a uniform size. This type of mulch is also ideal for equine facilities, dog runs, and walking trails.

Determine the Right Mulch Thickness

When you order blown-in mulch, you will need to know the type of mulch you want and the thickness at which it will be applied. The good news is the one of’s qualified mulch installers can help you choose the right mulch thickness for your application.

As a general rule, an initial mulch application should be three to five inches. This is the ideal depth to fight erosion, retain moisture, and regulate ground temperature. If too much mulch is applied, it can actually prevent water from reaching the plant roots and cause the plants to suffocate. This can also lead to mold and pest problems.

After the initial delivery, additional mulch can be applied at one to two inches to replenish the mulch that has decomposed. How often you need to top dress your mulch depends on the type of mulch. Fine mulch decomposes faster than bark chip mulch and needs to be replenished more frequently. You may need to order new once or twice per year.

Playground mulch should be installed with a thickness of 6-12″ because it’s not supporting plant growth; it’s absorbing the shock of falls to reduce injuries.  Falling or tripping from playground equipment is the leading cause of playground injuries, accounting for nearly 80% of injuries on playgrounds (National Safety Council). There’s no way to stop children from tripping while they play but the right ground surface can mitigate the risk by absorbing the shock of the fall.